Open: 11:30 am
Sat. & Sun.

Open: 11:00 am


Take E. Washington exit and go west to Lakeville  Street, turn left 1 block to "D" street . "D" street becomes Pt. Reyes Petaluma road. Turn left onto Nicasio Valley Rd (at Reservoir). Turn left onto Nicasio town square. Travel time is approx. 25 minutes
Novato Blvd.
Novato Blvd. west, turn left on Pt. Reyes/Petaluma Road Go 3.3 miles (past the cheese factory). Turn left on Nicasio Valley Road. go 3 miles to Nicasio town square. Travel time is approx. 20 minutes
Lucas Valley
Take Lucas Valley Rd/Smith Ranch Rd. Exit. Turn left under freeway and go 10 miles west to Nicasio Valley Road. Turn right and go 0.3 mile. Travel time from Hwy 101 is approx. 20 minutes
Francis Drake Blvd.
Take Sir Francis Drake/San Anselmo Exit off Hwy. 101. Travel through the town of Ross, San Anselmo (past Red Hill Shopping Center), Fairfax and into the San Geronimo Valley. Turn right by the San Geronimo Golf Course clubhouse onto Nicasio Valley Road. Go 3.3 miles to Nicasio town square. Travel time from Hwy. 101 is approx. 25 minutes.

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